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The revival of Christianity in Europe: Revelation seminar on 15 June in France
- 31. May 2024
- Kupcov
- Weltjournal
An upcoming seminar that has the potential to initiate the revitalisation of Christianity in Europe is currently attracting a lot of attention. Given the continuing decline in church attendance and the conversion of many former places of worship into restaurants, bars and clubs, this development poses a serious challenge. Europe, once the centre of the Christian revival movement, is going through a worrying phase of religious change and loss of traditional pillars of faith.
A study by the Centre for World Christianity at the Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in the USA forecasts the development of the Christian population from the past to the future. According to the study, the number of Christians in Europe rose to 560 million in the 2000s, but will stagnate in 2024 and is expected to fall to 490 million by 2050.
With the modernisation and industrialisation of European society, secularisation began, and with the rise of liberal theology, biblically based teaching within the church dried up. In addition, Christianity has lost trust due to increasing atheism and religious diversity, as well as numerous priest scandals, and is struggling to find a new direction.
In light of these challenges, the Shincheonji Church of Jesus, the Temple of the Tent of Witness (under the leadership of Chairman Man-Hee Lee), is planning a major Revelation Word Seminar for European pastors in France on 15 June. The aim of the event is to promote the revitalisation of Christianity in Europe by shedding light on the already fulfilled contents of the prophetic book of Revelation, which are of great interest to believers.
Pastors from more than 15 European countries are expected to attend the event, where the topic “The role of pastors in the spiritual revitalisation of Christians today” will be discussed in more than seven languages. Afterwards, Chairman Man-Hee Lee will give a lecture on Revelation.
This meaningful Word Seminar is a central part of the “Continental Revelation Seminars 2024”, which kicked off on 20 April in the Philippines. The focus is on the predictions and fulfilment of Revelation, which is awaited with great anticipation.
In the run-up to this important event, pastors from various European countries took part in Bible seminars in May. They expressed their enthusiasm and emphasised that they were deeply moved by the harmony and unity brought about by the Word of Revelation. Some of them expressed their desire to work together and even invite friends to participate.
A representative of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus explained that the participants of the packed revelation meeting in the Philippines were very amazed that the revelation had been fulfilled and that the reality of the fulfilled revelation was witnessed without any problems. He added that they expect a new wind to blow through the religious world from the Philippines and from France.